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"Just as a woman's heart knows how to pump, her lungs fill with air and her hand pull back from the fire, so her body knows how to give birth" Virginia Di Orio. 

Camilla's birth story 

She's finally here! She made a real dramatic entrance into the world, we had to have an emergency c section in the end. It was pretty tough after 4 days of a back to back labour contractions, when I was in hospital I opted for the foley balloon to try and get active labour started. My waters eventually broke on there own after 8 hours with the balloon, we then went down to the delivery suite where I asked for an epidural which kicked in nicely. 

She was in such a strange position at this point and wasn't going to come out naturally so we had a c section. 


It actually turned out to be such an amazing experience, me and Jorge were both physically and mentally exhausted but we managed to stay in the zone and block everything out that was going on around us. 

It felt like we were in our own little bubble, we honestly couldn't have been able to do that with you. 


Without you and your Hypnobirthing techniques I honestly don't know how we would have got through it!


Hypnobirthing made me get through it and it turned out to be a special and intimate birth even though a lot was going on around us.


I believe that it would have been a completely different birth without using my hypnobirthing techniques. 


My Birth Story


 I gave birth to my little boy on the 16th of May, he was around 2 weeks late but this never bothered me I knew he was absolutely fine and my body just wasn't ready, I had made his home far too comfortable for him! At 41 weeks I went to see my midwife and she did a sweep, I had wayed up all the pro and cons of this but for me, I mainly wanted to know if anything was happening, when she performed it she said is as already 2cm dilated with a very soft cervix which in turn made me relax further knowing that things were progressing and the little man was preparing for his arrival.


As the baby was sitting so low into my pelvis the amniotic sack was so tight around this head so they had mentioned to me that if my waters hadn't broken by Saturday 41+5 then they would have to do it for me, again I was ok with this as my cervix was soft and they would only break my waters they wouldn't have to go for any other form of induction which I didn't really want.


41+5 came and went and at 41+6 they broke my waters and put me on a tiny amount of the oxytocin drip, I only needed a small amount as things were progressing nicely, my contractions were coming regularly, the way I described them to people was like riding a rollercoaster, you can feel yourself going up up up then you hit the top then ride it all the way down. This really helped me keep my focus on each one whilst using my up breathing I found them very manageable.

Not long after having regular contractions did I then feel the urge to push, so started to use my down breathing focusing all my breath and energy on the down motion.


At this point, I had only used a bit of gas and air as I was able to control everything with my breathing and my visualisations. I was so calm and relaxed, my husband described me as a Tibetan monk just so in control and focused, he was always the biggest hypnobirthing convert he can't stop telling everyone about it as seeing it in action blew his mind how powerful it is.  


Baby Boy was born after 2 hours of pushing he was born with a shoulder displacer so at the very last minute we just needed some medical help as he also had the cord wrapped around his arm, I remained truly calm knowing that soon my baby would be in my arms. 


I can't tell you how amazing it all felt it was such an adrenaline high then meeting him for the first time was amazing. 

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